Thursdays are super fun here at Camp!
We had tribal wars activities all morning on Girls side and all afternoon we had college games all over Boys side. We also had the Davis/Fed cup tennis, our lower camp Grumet and middle camp went to the beach!!
For evening activity everyone gathered together at the Playhouse to watch the play “Broadway on the Lake”, before the show we had the dance team presentation and the fourth pillar was introduced: Kindness. The winners of the Sportsmanship award were announced.
Girls Side:
Debs-Sydney Sklar
Frosh-Raffi Pergament
Soph-Logan Ferenz
Inter-Sami Katz
Junior-Abby Kleinman
Subbie-Emlily Stangel
Senior-Brooke Mandelbaum
Super-Jamie Moss
CIT-Annabelle Greenberg
Boys Side:
Braves – Spencer Roth
Fr – Troy Naylor
So – Tyler Taerstein
Int – Saril Bhagat
Jrs – Lucas Linn
Sub – Devin Shell
srs – Ethan Feldman
Supers – Jared Broxmeyer
CITs – Brett Schutzman
Fr – Troy Naylor
So – Tyler Taerstein
Int – Saril Bhagat
Jrs – Lucas Linn
Sub – Devin Shell
srs – Ethan Feldman
Supers – Jared Broxmeyer
CITs – Brett Schutzman