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Day 44

CWD3 LineUp 109

Color War Day 3!!
We are on the peak of Color War and at the half of it, competition is very even, which fulfills every camper, staff and general with spirit and passion.

Today we witnessed an amazing day, this morning some of the competitions were:

For Girls Side, Swim meet, T-Ball, BBK, Track Meet, Sing Rehearsal, Soccer, Newcomb, Water Basketball, Street Hockey, Kickball, Volleyball and Climbing Competition.

For Boys Side, Football, Tennis, Newcomb, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Hockey, Street Hockey, Volleyball, BBK, Sing Rehearsal, Dodgeball, Swim Meet and the always great Climbing Competition.

For this Evening Lineup, Camper generals where named, We had a very special guest to do the pouring over both female generals, from the Red Sensational Sixties Lindsey Etra, score is SO CLOSE! And by only ONE point difference milk was poured over the red team.


On the evening events we had the traditional Rope Burn, after a very dramatic contest and one of the most intense events this Color war, the Red Buccaneers team won by a difference of only two minutes
