Home » Daily Post » Day 23.

Day 23.

Camp Pontiac Fire034

Beach Day!!

Due to a very nice day with a very hot weather, a “Beach Day” was declared for the afternoon. All outdoor activities were canceled, except for the ones at the pools and the waterfronts.

Besides water sports, campers enjoyed watching movies and playing games in the air-conditioned facilities among which were square dancing practice and some movies.

For evening activity the entire camp had plenty of activities:

  • Braves, Frosh & Sophs: Pool Party.
  • Middle camp: Grumet/movies Playhouse.
  • Supers to BH Street Hockey/VB.
  • Debs/Fr: extended free play ice cream shop.
  • So/Int girls: movie Paramount.
  • Subbie girls: Treetop.
  • Upper camp girls: Sing practice.
  • Senior boys: capture the flag.
  • CIT boys: group game.